Learn more about your local and favourite Pose Barre teachers, get in touch with them, and start your Pose Barre journey...

Katherine Tranter
Northamptonshire, NN7 4PS
Katherine is a Pose Barre master trainer with an extensive Yoga background. Katherine hosts Pose Barre classes at HQ.
Tel - 01327 437070
Email - hello@posefitness.co.uk
Social - @katherinetranter72
Online option? - Yes

Sarah Whitney
Nottingham and East Midlands
Language Teacher by day, Pilates & Barre Instructor early morning and night. Sarah runs a range of Pilates & Barre classes online.

Tina Short
Cheltenham, South West
Tina's strong ballet background mixed with her love of yoga and pilates alike makes her Pose Barre super classical!
Tel - 07376051863
Email - Sportinafitness@gmail.com
Social - Sportina Yoga & Pilates | @tinashortcommunity
Online option? -

Ellie Street
Ellie is a professional dancer and teacher. She is passionate about feeling happy and finding exercise that compliments that!
Tel - 07733441267
Email - barrelliefitness@gmail.com
Social - @barrelliefitness & @elliestreeet
Online option? - Yes

Zöe Ebbutt
Brighton & Hove
Revitalise Studio, Every Sunday
12:45 Pose Barre - 60 mins
14:00 Pose Barre flow 60 mins
Tel -
Email -
Social - @revitalisebrighton
Online option? -

Gloria Wilkinson
Gloria's instructor background fuses together fitness and ballet perfectly.

Bryony Sinclair
The Granary, Cinder Hill BN8 4HP
A PT, group exercise instructor and nutrition health coach. Bryony helps people find total balance between movement and food.
Tel - 07788 745852
Email - bryony@insincwellness.co.uk
Social - @in_sinc_wellness & @insincnutrition
Online option? - Yes

Jess Mangold
Tottenham & North London
My classes are fun and fulfilling, always motivating with good music and a team experience, so exercise is never a chore!

Julie Vilton-Tebbutt
JulesVT Fitness and The Body Architects
Gloria's instructor background fuses together fitness and ballet perfectly.